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  • meine Arbeit | Andregold

    My choir conducting lessons “Recognize strengths and I promote individuality" My focus is on authenticity and “finding yourself” through my educational support, which is always reflective and open. For me, this process is a very "creative" one - that means there is always room for change and development in learning together. In choir conducting lessons, I pay particular attention to conducting led by a singer, which, in addition to precision and general comprehensibility, is always based on the naturalness of gestures and breathing flow 2200000-0000-0000 -0000-000000000222_ My artistic work "concentrated, efficient, entertaining, humorous " I pay great attention to concentrated, flexible and inspired rehearsal work - goal-oriented but not dogged. Based on many years of experience, one of my strengths is a good assessment of the possible performance of the respective ensemble in order to then get the best out of it in a short time. Most of the time I even manage to shorten the planned rehearsal times - even main and dress rehearsals before concerts. This saves energy and gives all performers a good feeling instead of rehearsing until the last second and even exceeding the rehearsal time again and again. Perfect timing, clear, expressive conducting and situation-oriented actions and reactions are part of my musical tools, which I constantly reflect on. In addition to precision and high quality, an extremely flexible sound is part of my credo for choral and instrumental music. The interpersonal aspect with respect for the other and empathy for the other is one of the most important building blocks for a successful "authentic music making" ._ 11100000-000000000000011_ DAS_11100000-0000-00000000011_ Listening Topic-Listening , listening to each other, listening to the room plays a big role. Last but not least, my priority is always to get the best out of the music, but in the service of the music with gratitude and the necessary respect for the creative power. As a church musician, I also see myself as a "pastor" because music can always touch and heal our innermost being. Church musicians "Music as proclamation and nourishment for the soul" Church music in particular has accompanied me since my school days in Altötting and forms the foundation of my music studies and my artistic work. I've been playing the organ since I was 14 and I've been leading choirs since I was 18. I now differentiate a little more between musical work in church service and artistic work - both of which feed off one another. Nevertheless, church music, especially in its function within the liturgy and the community. On the one hand, I see myself as a pastor through music and community, and on the other hand, as a mediator between the often very immobile institution and the issues of the time. It is precisely here that music can build bridges and move people's innermost beings, walls can be torn down and spirituality can be experienced in a new way. For me, music combined with liturgy and spiritual texts also has an educational and critical function. Because the communal "working" of spiritual works and their reference to theological aspects of Sundays and holidays always offers the possibility of a new experience if they do not become routine like the "prayer lyre" of a "father our" or a "Great God we praise you". This is exactly where artistic, creative work inspires me so that I don't become dulled by the constantly repeating processes in the church year and in church services. Especially in our fast-moving times, society has a hard time with stability, reliable promises, community, association, faith and values. As a church musician, you have to struggle with exactly these issues every day, especially in an institution that moves and allows itself to be moved so slowly and laboriously. An artist cannot become a church musician, but a church musician without an artistic free spirit will not make a difference....ConclusionAs you will learn from my "Credo", I am constantly in "Movement". My musical and personal development thus enrich each other. I think this empathy and reflection characterizes me in my work and also gets many people moving. I see my work as a calling and as a "motor" in the middle of a community. Nevertheless, it is an interaction between all individuals. Everyone is important and everyone does their part. You are welcome to write to me, exchange ideas with me, attend concerts, rehearsals, etc. and/or get to know me personally. I look forward to it! My credo Experiences and reflection The voice is the instrument of the year 2025 Insight into the past choir day with the conducting training class You can find more videos or audio samples under Media. Thank you for your interest

  • Meine Gedanken | Andregold

    My credo Experiences and reflection reflective, authentic, an artist you can "touch" You have read my CV, my career. But that alone does not define me, but rather experiences that have shaped me as a sensitive person. Perhaps you would like to take the time to find out a little more about it. CRITICAL THOUGHTS TO REFLECT AND SMILE ABOUT In meinem Beruf arbeite ich mit vielen Menschen und stehe in der Öffentlichkeit. Ich verstehe mich nicht nur als Künstler oder Musiker sondern auch als Vermittler, Brückenbauer und Kritiker der Gesellschaft. Vor allem als Musiker bringt man menschliche "Saiten" zum Schwingen die immanent für das Leben und dessen Sinnhaftigkeit sind. Eine wunderschöne Berufung, die aber auch Energie kostet, wenn man dazu bereit ist, tiefer in den Beruf einzutauchen und versucht all seine Facetten zu begreifen. Musik machen bedeutet sich öffnen und sich auch gewissermaßen zu präsentieren. Dabei ist die menschliche Stimme das intimste und zerbrechlichste Instrument, weil sie uns als Person spiegelt. Das macht verletzlich und angreifbar - beiderseits - Sender wie Empfänger und verlangt Menschenkenntnis. Und - wenn man ehrlich ist - Musik und ihre Vollkommenheit ist eine unerschöpfliche Lebensaufgabe. Auch für mich! Leider nutzen manche die Musik um SICH zu präsentieren. Ihre menschlichen Unzulänglichkeiten begründen sie mit dem "Künstlertum" und bilden Allianzen durch "networking" oder "Vetternwirtschaft" und erschleichen sich Positionen. Die Suche nach Vollkommenheit und Tiefe stehen nicht mehr im Vordergrund, im Gegenteil, Musik wird zur Hülle, ohne Seele. Schlimmer noch, wie uns die Medien suggerieren: alles wird zur Show um von der eigentlichen "Leistung" abzulenken. Protzige Bühnen, Outfit, Promotion, Eventcharakter und ein diktiertes Schönheitsideal, stehen im Vordergrund, das Verständnis von Musik und die spürbare tiefe Auseinandersetzung im Hintergrund. Auch in der Klassik werden Leistungen aufgewertet durch Orte an denen dirigiert, gespielt oder gesungen wurde bzw. wird. Große Namen von Musikern, Häusern oder Universitäten die in Lebensläufen auftauchen sprechen für die Qualität der Studenten oder "fertigen" Musiker - oft unabhängig von ihrer eigenen Leistung. Es ist wie bei der Mode, egal wie hochwertig oder schlecht, der Name der Marke assoziiert bei vielen Menschen höchste Qualität, erlaubt unverhältnismäßige Preise und ist schön - auch wenn man sich die Schönheit zurecht spinnen muss. Ich finde es erstaunlich wie beeinflussbar wir nach wie vor in einer Zeit sind in der wir unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten haben, Vielseitigkeit zu leben und zu erleben und dadurch "Tiefe" gewinnen könnten. Ich erinnere mich an Aufführungen renommierter Chöre, Sänger, Instrumentalisten, die mich als Zuhörer im Erdboden versinken lassen und frage mich woran diese Fehleinschätzung liegt. Über Geschmack lässt sich ja streiten, aber viele überschätzen sich und ihre Möglichkeiten. Sehr unbeweglich ist es dabei in der Kirchenmusik, da Pfarrer und Laien oft mehr vom Beruf des Kirchenmusikerkers verstehen zu glauben als der Studierte selbst. Festgefahrene Strukturen und Meinungen "das war schon immer so", "ich habe schon immer im Sopran gesungen", "ich sitze immer in der ersten Reihe". Es dauert Jahrzehnte und länger ein künstlerisches Verständnis zu formen. Ich bin überrascht wie viele Chöre beispielsweise große Werke aufführen und meinen, wenn mehr als die Hälfte der Töne getroffen wird, wäre das schon Musik. Oder Dirigenten, die ihren Ensembles Werke zumuten, mit denen sie heillos überfordert sind, nur damit sie dieses Werk in ihrer Vita aufführen können und sich dadurch im "Musikmarkt" "aufwerten". Obwohl ich ganz gute Chöre habe, habe ich mich z.B. noch nie an eine h-Moll Messe gewagt. Der Anspruch an mich und die Verantwortung dem Komponisten sowie dem Werk gegenüber ließen mich bis jetzt immer zögern. Deshalb suche ich nach Menschen, die Respekt vor den Werken unserer Komponisten haben - egal ob große oder kleine - und deren Vermächtnis mit größter Hingabe und Fleiß präsentieren wollen. Menschen die bereit sind in die Tiefe zu gehen um ehrliche, wahre Musik zu machen und durch diesen Reifeprozess anspruchsvollen Stücken gewachsen sind. Auf der Bühne zu stehen, bedeutet für mich die Entscheidung der Ausführenden etwas mit 150% zu präsentieren - schließlich ist man in diesem Moment Botschafter eines künstlerischen Vermächtnisses und sollte sich dieser Aufgabe bewusst sein. Das gilt für Laien wie für Profis. Auf der Bühne bin ich Botschafter durch die Musik. Sie spiegelt alles in unserem Leben wieder! Daher liebe ich es mit Zuhörern in der Pause oder am Ende einer Aufführung ins Gespräch zu kommen und mich auszutauschen. Als Person in der Öffentlichkeit sehe ich es als meine Aufgabe Kritik zu üben und setze mich für mehr Menschlichkeit ein. Ich freue mich auf Kommentare zu meiner Arbeit oder zu meinen Konzerten und danke alle die mich in meiner Arbeit unterstützen oder diesen musikalischen Weg mit mir gehen. contact I am always looking for new, exciting opportunities and other "seekers" +491772681947

  • andregold Musik Orgel Chor Musiker, Musikdirektor André Gold, Dirigent, Pädagoge, hat sich über Jahrzehnte mit Stimmen beschäftigt und sich einen Namen gemacht, aus Laienchören das Beste herauszuholen, als Organist ist er v.a. durch seine farbenreichen und orchestral angelegten Improvisationen bekannt. Der Pädagoge hat viele ChorleiterInnen geformt und ihnen zu einer authentischen Ausdrucksweise verholfen. Großen Werkt legt Gold auf effektivste Probenarbeit. Er arbeitet regelmäßig mit Profiorchestern. A ndré P hilipp Go ld challenging, refreshing, different... Log In "As a musician, I connect people and, as a critical artist and educator, I like to take on responsibility in society and the church. Unfortunately, even in my profession, I experience charlatans, self-promoters and nepotism in prominent positions. They are not aware of their role as artists. Music is not only the highest art - it deserves devotion and reverence - but also serves to "educate the heart". As a choir teacher and conductor, I am a constant observer and listener and, in effective rehearsals, I try not only to develop a special, unique sound, but also the necessary emotional depth!" PRESS "The conductor André Gold united orchestra, soloists and choir... into a fabulous whole" Magazine "Orchestra" “Newcomer with performance...” Bad Reichenhaller Tagblatt " the Protestant Hof town church of St. Michaelis: With an astonishing knowledge of the history of the style and a strong will to express himself, André Gold proves himself to be a master of organ improvisation." Hochfranken features section "... how precisely Gold worked out the work with its special features could be heard not only in the tutti sound, but especially in the chorales, finely graduated in the caesuras or even in the a cappella movement." Passauer Neue Presse feature section EVENTS JAN 27 01/27/24 7:30 p.m. “From Heaven High” concert postponed from December 23rd Altötting Cultural and Congress Forum euergio oratorio choir Yvonne Madrid, soprano Matthias Lika, baritone Bad Reichenhall Philharmonic Orchestra FEB 17 02/17/24 11:30 organ concert Marktkirche Wiesbaden Save the Date 06/16/2024 Puccini "Messa di Gloria" more information to follow!

  • Kalender | Andregold

    CALENDAR experience music live ENJOY Here you will find the right music - whether for a church service or concert, spiritual or secular. Only live will all your senses be addressed! I look forward to seeing you!

  • Chorpädagoge und Einstudierungen | Andregold

    My credo Experiences and reflection CHOIR TEACHER Through my many years of experience and continuous training, I have acquired a great deal of knowledge about working with choirs. In a short and effective time, I work on works of different levels and from different eras and, with sensitivity, vocal tricks and musical images, I get the best out of the singers. rehearsals and choir workshops In addition to my work as a conductor, I have also undertaken rehearsals for many concert organizers, including Munich Music, for performances in large concert halls - also with professional ensembles. From time to time I offer choir workshops or choir days to give choir singers and conductors new ideas. Coaching unknown ensembles in a short space of time or polishing conductors - I love this challenge! contact I am always looking for new, exciting opportunities. +49 (0)1772681947

  • Presse und Kommentare | Andregold

    My credo Experiences and reflection "The conductor André Gold united the orchestra, soloists and choir... into a fabulous whole" magazine "Orchester" “Newcomer with performance...” Bad Reichenhaller Tagblatt " the Protestant town church of St. Michaelis in Hof: With an astonishing knowledge of the history of style and a strong desire for expression, André Gold proves himself to be a master of organ improvisation." Hochfranken Feuilleton "... how precisely Gold has worked out the work with its special features could be heard not only in the tutti sound, but especially in the chorales, finely graded in the caesuras or even in the a cappella movement." Passauer Neue Presse Feuilleton "It's a shame. The second music festival in the Inn-Salzach region, supported by the districts of Mühldorf and Altötting, could easily have lasted into the summer nights. There are enough pieces that are worth performing and listening to. In addition, the precise André Gold, who is always energetically fully devoted to the performers, and his accomplished piano partner Michael Frohnmeyer have capacities that are far from being exhausted." Passauer Neue Presse "... his excellent concert choir cantus aurumque followed the conductor down to the smallest detail of phrasing and dynamics, balanced in sound, clear in all coloraturas and with high text intelligibility. It couldn't be better." PNP, Feuilleton on Bach Christmas Oratorio "With finely balanced registers and very good brass fanfares, the Philharmonie developed a rousing dynamic under the leadership of Gold, which ranged from despondent piano to powerful fortissimo." Bachtrack, concert in Munich's Herkulessaal comments debug Comments Write a comment Write a comment Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment.

  • Ensembles | Andregold

    My credo Experiences and reflection I lead a number of amateur ensembles and work with professionals. Here you can find an overview of the different formations. You are interested in: participation in an ensemble a rehearsal observation to gain inspiration for your work You want to book us or me? for concerts or corporate events for rehearsals Do not hesitate to contact us contact CHURCH CHOIRS The choirs are part of the church music of the parish church of St. Nicholas - also called the "Cathedral of the Inn Valley" due to its size and importance. The choirs enjoy a very good reputation and are requested for various events classical church music, orchestral masses KANTOREI ST. NIKOLAUS Rehearsal Thursdays, 19:30-21:30 almost 35 members organization of church feasts and smaller church concerts very good choir knowledge is a prerequisite Homepage a cappella music, small masses quartet/chamber choir sample project-related 12-16 members organization of church feasts and external services very good choir knowledge is a prerequisite Homepage modern church music, film music, musical FEINKLANG NEUÖTTING Rehearsal Fridays, 19:30-21:30 almost 50 members regular concerts with the Campus Choir Burghausen-Mühldorf, as well as organizing church services, choir weekends Homepage church and secular music FRAUENKANTOREI NEUÖTTING sample project-related almost 30 members design of church services traditional Christmas concert with harp very good choir knowledge is a prerequisite Homepage church and secular music MEN'S CHOIR NEUÖTTING sample project-related almost 30 members design of church services traditional secular summer concert very good choir knowledge is a prerequisite Homepage CONCERT ENSEMBLE These ensembles are members of the Association of German Concert Choirs and regularly sing concerts regionally and nationally and work with renowned concert organizers Baroque music, sophisticated a cappella music cantus aurumque sample project-related 30 members Bach's oratorios, passions, a cappella choral music collaboration with baroque orchestras Homepage anspruchsvolle Chormusik Young Chamber Choir eoc sample project-related 30 members mixed choir repertoire, contemporary works by Rutter and others collaboration with composers Homepage large choral-symphonic works euregio oratorio choir Rehearsal Wednesdays 19:30-21:30 80 members Verdi Requiem, Mozart C minor Mass, Rutter Magnificat, Brahms Requiem and much more collaboration with renowned orchestras Homepage PROFESSIONAL MUSIC In addition to my very high-quality work with amateurs and at a semi-professional level, I can also be experienced and booked as a soloist or with an orchestra chapel with fire sample project-related Open air concerts and renowned halls, orchestra size variable and bookable for your event Collaboration with renowned vocal and/or instrumental soloists from home and abroad! Please feel free to ask about possible programs Organist, Pianist & Singer As a pianist, I specialize in film music programs and improvisation and have performed in renowned venues. As an organist, I travel both at home and abroad. As a singer, I specialize in the music of Dowland and his contemporaries. Accompanied by guitar, lute or harp. Feel free to book me! conductor You want to experience me as a conductor - with choir and orchestra, orchestra and soloists or orchestra with film music. I offer you a wide variety of formats and an unforgettable evening with great works such as Carmina Burana, opera choirs, etc. Please feel free to ask about possible programs for your event!

  • Media | Andregold

    AUDIO SAMPLES a small impression for more videos click here! I welcome comments about my work, concerts or encounters

  • Vita | Andregold

    My credo Experiences and reflection ANDRÉ PHILIPP GOLD studied church music and choir conducting with distinction in Salzburg and Munich. Since 1999 he has been cantor at the parish church of St. Nikolaus, Neuötting. In 2015 he founded the transnational euergio oratorio choir. Gold has conducted national and international choirs and orchestras, has led the renowned Munich Oratorio Choir since 2014 and founded the semi-professional chamber choir “cantus aurumque” in 2017. Since 2019 he has also been heard as a singer and pianist in concert series at the Munich Cultural Summit and was awarded the Altötting District Culture Prize in 2020. He regularly gives concerts in Munich's large concert halls or “open air” concerts. Highlights were concerts at Burghauser Castle, Frauenbühl Castle and Dillingen Castle. In Bratislava he conducted a concert under the patronage of the President and is regularly featured in the media. Especially during the corona pandemic, Gold was committed to culture and music colleagues with constantly new concepts and, in addition to art exhibitions, called "Art takes place inside" in the Neuötting shops and the city parish church with the support of WINN, the Altötting artists' association, the city of Neuötting, the Altötting district and AllroundTV brings the Neuöttinger market music to life as a media companion. Together with the editor of AllroundTV, Dr. Nicole Petzi also started a new media format “Culture Walk” to fill either closed cultural sites or non-public ones, such as castles, gardens, etc., with music. He has been teaching choir conducting in Upper Austria since 2010 and has enriched the Innviertel with many new ideas. André Gold can also be heard in organ concerts at home and abroad, led the organ festival for the pilgrimage, Altötting and initiated the first international organ festival in Braunau in 2023 with artists from Germany, Austria and Poland. Due to his extensive concert activity and his cultural initiatives, André Gold was appointed "Music Director" by the Association of German Professional Choir Directors. Since June he has been teaching at the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences and directs the newly founded Mühldorf/Burghausen campus choir. ... Hitting notes doesn't make music. I'm looking for people who want to go deeper with me!

  • Kontakt | Andregold

    Contact I am a paragraph of text. Click here to add your own text. Vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht! Einreichen

  • Impressum /Datenschutz | Andregold

    imprint imprint Information according to § 5 TMG: Andre Gold Kronberger Str. 7 84543 Winhöring Contact: Telephone: 0177-2681947 Email: Disclaimer – Disclaimer: Liability for content All content on our website was created with the greatest care and to the best of our knowledge. However, we cannot guarantee that the content is correct, complete or up-to-date. As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these pages in accordance with general laws in accordance with Section 7 Paragraph 1 TMG. However, according to Sections 8 to 10 TMG, as a service provider we are not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information in accordance with general law remain unaffected. However, liability in this regard is only possible from the time we become aware of a specific legal violation. If we become aware of the above-mentioned legal violations, we will immediately remove this content. Limitation of liability for external links Our website contains links to external third-party websites. We have no influence on the content of these directly or indirectly linked websites. We therefore cannot assume any liability for the accuracy of the content of “external links”. The respective providers or operators (authors) of the pages are responsible for the content of the external links. The external links were checked for possible legal violations at the time the link was created and were free of illegal content at the time the link was created. A constant check of the content of external links is not possible without concrete evidence of a legal violation. In the case of direct or indirect links to third-party websites that are outside our area of responsibility, liability would only exist if we became aware of the content and it would be technically possible and reasonable for us to prevent use in the event of illegal content . This disclaimer of liability also applies to links and references from questioners, blog entries and guests of the discussion forum within the “name of your domain” website. The service provider of the page to which reference is made is solely liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for damage resulting from the use or non-use of such information, not the person who merely refers to the respective publication via links. If we become aware of legal violations, we will immediately remove the external links. copyright The content and works published on our website are subject to German copyright law ( ). The reproduction, processing, distribution and any kind of exploitation of the intellectual property from the intellectual and material point of view of the author outside the limits of copyright law requires the prior written consent of the respective author within the meaning of the Copyright Act ( ). Downloads and copies of this page are only permitted for private and non-commercial use. If the content on our website was not created by us, the copyrights of third parties must be observed. The content of third parties is identified as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, we ask that you notify us accordingly. If we become aware of any legal violations, we will immediately remove such content. This imprint was kindly provided by provided.

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